Communication is an indispensable fact of human life. Firstly, a human being communicates with his/her mother even while in the womb, via the placenta. In the 10th week, he/she communicates with people via his/her sense organs.
Humans seek to convey messages to each other in a family, school, classroom, or indeed, in any social environment in order to pursue self-expression, establish their perception of their surroundings, augment their awareness of others, and maintain their existence as social beings.
Communication affects people’s thoughts and attitudes as well as leading to the sharing of knowledge,sensations, and thoughts.
The source is a person who has been influenced by the content of the message, which is mobile between the source and the receiver. The channel is the means by which the message is transmitted. Lastly, feedback refers to the reaction of the message receiver.
The source is considered as the basis of communication. The source is the starting point, a person who has thoughts, ideas, and messages to convey
A source who explains the message properly and effectively has reliability, moral values, skills in emphasis, and education.
The message is considered to be all meaningful units that pass between source and receiver. Each message has a meaning, which the source seeks to share. However, the receiver is not necessarily able to understand the same meaning as the source. This difference in understanding signifies an unsuccessful transmission of the message, which necessitates a negotiation of meaning to some extent. In order for effective communication to take place, messages should be clear and transmitted by a suitable channel.
This refer to the methods and techniques which bears the message to the receiver in accordance with the
objectives of the source in the process of communication .
The channel can sometimes be a person who starts the communication with gestures, mimicking, vocalisations, facial expressions, or words.
It could also be a book, a scenario, the Internet, or currently the most-used mass medium.
The receiver generally gives feedback to the source by the same channel after the message is received. The feedback is required to be parallel with the content of the message carried by the channel.
The receiver is a person or group who analyses the messages coming from source, in accordance with some specific biological and psycho-social process, and who responds to these messages orally or non-orally.
As interpersonal communication is mutual, the receiver replaces the source in the process of feedback.
Feedback is defined as the perception and response of the receiver in relation to the message sent by the source.
After the receiver accepts a message from the source and analyses it, he or she gives feedback.
The extent to which the transmitted message is understood or not is demonstrated in the feedback. Accordingly, the process of feedback has great value in effective communication.
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